Land and Environment Court of NSW

Tree disputes - Helpful materials


Court materials

Information materials

Reference materials

Land and Environment Court judgments

The Court publishes its decisions, including on applications under the Trees Act, on the NSW Caselaw website

Case Studies

The Court has also provided a collection of many of the Trees Act decisions, grouped in five categories, to assist understanding of how the Court has reached its conclusions on various types of applications.  Each of the decisions reflects the facts and circumstances of the application.  Each new application will be determined on the facts and circumstances of that application. The five categories available are:

Enforcement of Court Orders in Tree dispute cases

General information concerning enforcement of Court Orders in Tree dispute cases can be found here.

In Tri Huu Pham v Emile Papaioannou [2019] NSWLEC 180 (Moore J), a neighbour who failed to obey orders to prune a hedge under Part 2A of the Trees Act (Pham v Papaioannou [2011] NSWLEC 1044) was convicted, fined $500 and ordered to pay $47,126 in costs.

Last updated:

01 Nov 2024

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