Land and Environment Court of NSW

Class 8 - Mining

Proceedings in Class 8 involve:


Proceedings in Class 8 are disputes under the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991.

Class 8 matters may be heard by a Commissioner for Mining or a judge.

Fast facts

In 2022, the median completion time was 149 days.

Of the Class 8 matters finalised in 2022:

  • One involved an application for an access management plan.
  • There was one restored matter seeking to vary Court orders.
  • There were no costs applications.
  • There were no s 56A appeals of a decision of the Mining Commissioner.
Class 8 Mining
Class 8 Mining
In 2022, Class 8 matters were less than  1% of the Court's finalised caseload.
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