Land and Environment Court of NSW

Public visitors

The Land and Environment Court is open to the public. The importance of people seeing how justice is done is recognised by the Court.

Apart from a general interest in seeing how courts work there are a number of reasons why people might want to observe particular cases. For example, you might be interested in a particular case because it concerns a relative, friend or neighbour, or you might have heard about a case in the press, or you might have a particular interest in the subject matter of the case. 

In this section we will provide you with information about how to learn more about the Court in general and how to find out more information about a particular case, for example when and where the case is listed.

Observing proceedings by Microsoft Teams

During the COVID-19 pandemic many court listings that would normally take place in court face-to-face are now being conducted by Microsoft Teams. If you would like to observe a court listing that is being conducted by Teams please submit your request to the court by the following means:

Proceedings before a Commissioner

Contact the Registry at with the following information: 

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • The name and case number of the proceedings you wish to observe
  • The date the proceedings are listed

Proceedings before a Judge

Contact the chambers of the Judge presiding over the proceedings with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • The name and case number of the proceedings you wish to observe
  • The date the proceedings are listed

The contact details of the Judge's Associate can be found on the Court's website here.

You will be sent an email with a link and instructions to join the Teams meeting prior to the listing.

The Court has issued a fact sheet for using Microsoft Teams at the Land and Environment Court which can be found on the Court's website here (PDF, n/a).

A court listing conducted by Teams is a formal court proceeding. All usual court etiquette, protocols, procedures and restrictions apply. To prevent interruption of court proceedings when observing by Teams please keep your microphone on mute and turn your camera off

Court tours

One way to understand more about the Court is to attend a court tour. The Court conducts tours of the Court for student and other interest groups. On a court tour you will attend a short presentation on the Court and its practices.  Following this, you will be able to observe a Court hearing.

Suggested tour timetable



9.00 am

Meet inside Mediation Room, Level 1

9.00 am - 9:45 am

Welcome and short presentation (Mediation Room Level 1)

10.00 am - 10.45 am

Attend a Court Room to observe actual proceedings

10.45 am

Move to another Court Room to observe other proceedings (optional)

11.30 am (approx)

Leave court room at morning tea adjournment

Requesting a tour

In order to organise a tour of the Land and Environment Court a formal request on letterhead (email letterhead is suitable) will need to be submitted detailing the date of the intended visit together with the number of participants (due to space restrictions, the number of participants for each tour should be limited to a maximum of 15-20 people).

Generally, court tours are not organised for individuals, however, it may be possible to include you with another group. Please address your request as follows:

  • By post: Assistant Registrar, Land and Environment Court, GPO Box 3565, SYDNEY 2001
  • By fax: 02) 9113 8222 (Attn: Assistant Registrar)
  • By email: (attn: Assistant Registrar)

How to find when a case is listed

If you know the name of the case you would like to observe you can check the Court Lists that are published daily on the website. This will tell you the time and location of the hearing of that case. It is a good idea to keep a record of the case number and name, as it is easier to find out information about the case if you know these details. The registry staff might be able to tell you when a case is listed if you know the name or number of the case.

How to find out what happened in a case you observed

Often at the end of a hearing the judge or commissioner will not give a decision on the spot but will reserve their decision. When the judge or commissioner is ready to give the decision the case will be listed in court and the orders will be read out. If you want to know what decision the court gives, you can observe the orders being read out in court. Again you should check the Court Lists to see when and where the case is listed. Parties will be given written reasons for the decision. These reasons are usually put on the Court’s website the same day the decision is given. If you want to know the Court's reasons for the decision, you can check the judgments section of this website. 

Accessing a court file

Access to Court files is dealt with in accordance with the Supreme Court’s Access to Court Information Practice Note (SC GEN 02).

Last updated:

25 Jun 2024

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