Land and Environment Court of NSW

AVL Help

Microsoft Teams

For Videoconferencing via Microsoft Teams, refer to support via the Microsoft website:

Cisco Webex

List of Compatible Browsers

  • Firefox (Version 85.x)
  • Google Chrome (Version 88.x)
  • Chromium-based Microsoft Edge (Version 88.x)
  • Apple Safari for macOS (Version 14.x)
  • Apple Safari for iOS (Version 14.x)
  • Yandex for Windows (Version 20.12)

Testing your connection

Test your devices’ ability to connect to the system via

You maybe asked to “Allow” the application to use the devices’ camera and audio/microphone.

This link will play video and music that you should be able to see and hear. It will also mirror back the image from your camera in a “picture-in-picture” box, and an audio meter will display sound levels received by your microphone.

An additional test maybe requested by the party organising the AVL, to test the direct connection with the courtroom. Click on the link provided by the party organising the AVL to conduct the test.

Connection Instructions

  1. Ensure your device has a working camera. AVL requires a camera to be enabled;
  2. It is STRONGLY recommended that participants use a headset + external microphone with their device to minimise audio interference issues. External speakers connected to devices are not recommended due to potential audio feedback issues;
  3. Ensure that your device has reliable connectivity and coverage;
  4. Click the Weblink provided immediately prior to your listed appearance time.
  5. You maybe asked to “Allow” the application to use the devices’ camera and audio/microphone (for participants only).
  6. You will be asked to enter your name and details. Please use the following naming convention: Surname – Party description (Example: Doe – Applicant = representative John Doe – applicant’s expert witness).
  7. Click "Join Meeting". When appearing by AVL, all Court procedures and protocols are to be followed as if you were in Court in person.
  8. Whilst waiting for your matter to be called, please ensure that the audio on your device is muted so that any background noise does not interfere with court proceedings;
  9. End the AVL when you are advised by the presiding officer by clicking on the “X” in the orange circle.

AVL using a dedicated video conferencing service or facility

(This facility is available to practitioners using dedicated video conferencing equipment thattypically are available in many offices).

Contact the registry for details on the specific videoconferencing address. This address can be entered so that your office/meeting room can connect directly with the courtroom.

Frequently asked questions

Can several different participants use the same device to attend a courtroom by AVL (e.g. witnesses and the legal representative’s office)?

No. Legal representatives and witnesses must use separate devices and be in a different physical space when attending a courtroom. If multiple participants want to connect to the courtroom at the same time, consider the use of a dedicated video conferencing suite.

Can non-related parties (e.g. junior lawyers) join the telephone/video conference to observe?

The usual concept of open justice is applicable to the courtrooms using AVL. Refer to the section on “Observe Proceedings” on the Court’s website under Courtroom Technology

I am connecting to the courtroom AVL system and am experiencing audio feedback issues.

Audio feedback issues can be because of several issues. Typical sources include external speakers used by participants to amplify the sound on their connection devices (computer, laptop etc), Therefore it is recommended that you disconnect these devices. Other steps you can consider is to use a headset + microphone which will significantly minimise audio interference that may cause feedback.

I am connecting to the courtroom AVL system using Google Chrome on my computer and I am unable to see the courtroom, or my picture is ‘freezing’.

Check your internet connection strength and speed. Consider using alternative browsers (see list above) or changing to another device.

Last updated:

19 Nov 2024

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